Emily and Nathan, our troubled singles, search for love in the algorithm-based marketplace of online dating. But can the algorithm be trusted as they mismatch with influencers, sexperts and covert climate warriors? Decide for yourself at the intimate dance bar where our lovely singles meet their online dates in real life for the first time.
In between disastrous dates and dodgy dancing they dissect the failure of past relationships. Are they falling for each other as they debate the nature of modern love? Or are they just hungry? Also, is this dance bar run by some sort of clown?
Come at us Daddy Algorithm, the night is yet young.
Our show is accessible with DEADLYTIX and UNWAGEDTIX. Send us a message for a discount code at
Presented by: FullHouse
Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts
Clever, relatable and highly amusing. Get across Daddy Algorithm this Fringe season! - Louise Gleeson, What's On In Adelaide
Comedic, insightful and entertaining theatre exploring the pros and cons of finding love through an algorithm - Samantha Bond, Glam Adelaide