A loudly crying woman in a black sequin dress, lies on her back on the ground which is covered with leaves. A vintage microphone lies next to her in the foreground.
Close up of woman wearing a black sequin dress and top hat, eyes looking down.
A woman in a black sequin dress, lies on her back on the ground which is covered with leaves. Looking away in the distance.

Crying Contralto: Falling Diamonds

When a clown cries, they fill up a room with teardrops.

If you watch sad movies and don't keep that lump in your throat prisoner. If you cry in public. If you cry when you are happy or sad. If you cry at the beauty, cry for any occasion, cry in the mirror just because, or even if you just like jazz… this show is for you.

After years and years of being typecast as the dramatic actor, singing the tearjerkers, this Sydneysider built an extensive repertoire of crying songs. Then she decided to become a clown…

Join contralto chanteuse clown and crier, Alison Eaton, as she sings crying anthems. Fusing jazz standards, blues, vintage pop and antics...  this genre blurring cabaret is a celebration for all the criers out there. Come gather. BYO hanky.

"Alison Eaton is a stand out"  Sydney Arts Guide

Cabaret • Music
New South Wales • World Premiere
Tue, 18 Mar - Sat, 22 Mar
50 min
The Warehouse Theatre
MA15+ (2 Warnings)
$27 to $32
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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  • Hidden Gem 1
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