This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

Crowded Blouse - Lil Miss Mel in colourful kimono inside her guitar case, sipping champagne before going on stage

Crowded Blouse

Comedy • Cabaret
South Australia

★★★★★ "A show from the heart, bursting with wonderful music & humour". Glam Adelaide
★★★★★ "Laughter, reflection, and delicious songs along the way ... for anybody with a pulse, a big heart, and an appetite for joy." The Adelaide Show.

Musical misfit Lil Miss Mel tells tall tales of life, love and longing in the live music scene through parody, song & hilariously inappropriate anecdotes. Accompanied by the brilliant Deborah Brennan (The Parting Glass, A Case of You), the story features tunes that span the decades, everything from cleverly reworked pop, to soul, to rock anthems. Part confessional, part celebration, this is a heroine's tale of the search for meaning. Sing along with dodgy disco and bogan rock anthems, and dare to ponder the big question: what is the true song of your heart?

Presented by: Short and Sweet Productions