Lil Miss Mel is sitting in her guitar case in a red Kimono, drinking champagne backstage.
Lil Miss Mel is sitting inside her guitar case, enjoying a glass of bubbles backstage
Lil Miss Mel is in a red Kimono, smiling broadly and holding a champagne glass

Crowded Blouse

Cabaret • Comedy
South Australia

"Laughter, reflection & delicious songs along the must see this show!" ★★★★★ The Adelaide Show.

Lil Miss Mel is searching for the true song of her heart, or the nearest pub, whichever comes first! From cheesy  80s disco to bogan band-member, her escapades in the live music scene are told through parody, song & hilariously inappropriate anecdotes. "Clever, comedic reworking of pop classics... powerful soul and reconstructed pop".  Superbly accompanied by Deborah Brennan, this joyful duo create heartful harmony and sublime sound that will ensure you laugh, cry and sing along. If you've ever wondered about who you are, where you're going or where you left your keys, this is the show for you.

Presented by: Short and Sweet Productions

Lil Miss Mel is a pint sized performer who packs a punch. She has been entertaining audiences with joy and sass since she was a teen. She has completed a tour of duty on the Adelaide comedy circuit, and sung in bands, duos, trios and dodgy tribute acts. Lil Miss Mel plays guitar, and waves maracas and tambourines about with great enthusiasm. Crowded Blouse is her debut solo performance, and it played to sell out houses and 5 star reviews in the 2022 Adelaide Fringe and Adelaide Cabaret Fringe.

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