Counter Urban Questions
What does it mean to live and tell stories from regional Australia?
Join Writers SA, Adelaide Fringe, and commissioned writers from across regional South Australia for a special and provocative evening of storytelling. Presenting new commissioned pieces (songs, stories, poems, letters, speeches) that explore counter urban perspectives.
Regional Australia is not one place, but many. Diverse, complex, shifting and resisting the single story. Challenge your own ideas of what regional Australia is and isn’t and join us on stage at the Chaffey Theatre for this very special—one-night only—conversation.
Presented by: Writers SA
Writers SA is the peak not-for-profit organisation for literature in South Australia. Established in 1985, we were the first writers’ centre in Australia, and continue to support writers of all ages and experience levels on writing craft and publishing. From our program of online and in-person workshops, to events and festivals, regional program, residencies, prizes and grants, we showcase and support a diverse writing community with members across South Australia and beyond.