Comedy for the Curious
Comedy for the Curious is a comedy panel show with a science twist, where comedians perform very different stand-up comedy sets around the same theme. Award-winning host Robyn Perkins uses science comedy to explore the theme while the guest comedian(s) take a more light-hearted (& non-science) approach. The show then weaves in hysterical, personal (and often revealing!) chat while exploring the subject further and wraps up with an outrageously silly game! Don't miss this unique format where curiosity and stand-up comedy are combined.
Themes we will be exploring across the Fringe include: Personality, Cats vs Dogs and Accents.
This show will be family friendly in content, but aimed at an adult & young adult audience.
Presented by: robyn perkins
Award winning comedian Robyn Perkins combines real-life stories, her background in biology and her affable charm, to take audiences through not only some hilarious tales but she can scientifically prove how ridiculous they are as well! Her debut show 10,000 Decisions was critically acclaimed, winning the Sydney Fringe Comedy Award in 2019 and several 4/4.5 star reviews. Her next show Mating Selection again received several 4 and 4.5 star reviews and won a weekly comedy award at Perth Fringe World. She is in high demand as a comic doing weekends at the best clubs in the UK, including Glee, Komedia, and Top Secret Comedy Club. Robyn has performed at top international festivals such as Perth’s FRINGE WORLD Festival and Adelaide Fringe (as well as a few weeks at Sydney’s Comedy Store).