Charlie Schiawone, portait by Frey Micklethwait
Portrait in clay by Frey Micklethwait
Clay fired figure by Frey Micklethwait

Clay Modeling with Frey

Frey Micklethwait is an exceptional portrait sculptor, modelling with clay in front of the sitter. His fast actions displaying the model with a flair of fantasy. 
Frey will be demonstrating modelling with clay, portraiture with character and a hint of fantasy. Clay as a tactile medium can be manipulated and smoothed out and performs under skilled hands.

The RSASA Gallery staging Members' Autumn Exhibition Fri 7 February - Sun 16 March, contemporary paintings, photographs, mixed media, textiles, sculptural works, and "Lost Treasure" Large scale pencil drawings enlarged to scale from a smaller drawing of a utensil, tool, object, under the direction of Graham Dunstan. 

Clad Model Drawing Fridays 10.30-1.00pm with Sandra Eare-Russo $25 per session. Drawing for all (free) Sat 15Feb & 8March 1-4pm 

Frey Micklethwait will demonstrate using clay, modeling figures in the RSASA Gallery. His skilled hands will demonstrate how the clay can be modeled as though drawing with this tactile medium. Usually portraiture with a hint of fantasy.

Visual Arts and Design • Performance Art
South Australia
Tue, 18 Feb - Tue, 11 Mar
4 hr 30 min
RSASA Gallery
Free Event (No Tickets Needed)
More show, venue & access details
Season has ended