One female actor shown playing four different characters with different emotional expressions
A blonde woman sings into a microphone and gestures with one hand
A woman sits at a desk on a phone call.  She looks pensive and is putting the cap back on a small bottle of wine.

CANCELLED - Veiled - a one-woman show

Fresh from it's sell-out run in London, UK, one woman takes on four characters in this mix of comedy, poignancy and reveals linked by songs. The play examines different arenas in the lives of four fifty-something year-old women at breaking points: workplace attitudes to women, menopause, parenting, mental health, relationships and coercive control. Laugh-out-loud funny and bleakly sad in equal measure, it is a stumble through mid-life crisis after crisis. Each woman has hidden issues or is suffering something that they are keeping secret. The veil for each character slips by the end of their piece sometimes with a very dark twist.

"Richly deserved the standing ovation it received at the close" Mark Aspen

Comedy • Theatre
United Kingdom • Australian Premiere
Fri, 21 Feb - Sat, 22 Feb
60 min
The Warehouse Theatre
MA15+ (2 Warnings)
$18 to $23
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details
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