This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

Logo for California Dreams and a guitar playing female walking into a sunset

California Dreams

United Kingdom

An immersive trip through California in the late 60’s, early 70’s when a collective of musical legends changed the world. Hits by The Mamas and The Papas, Eagles, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Linda Ronstatd, The Byrds, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and many more. Brought to you by Dan Clews, Reine Beau and the multi award-winning cast of Night Owl Shows who have achieved sell-out runs at Edinburgh Fringe 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022 Adelaide Fringe 2019, 2020, Brighton Fringe 2019, 2021 & 2022. Adelaide Weekly Music Award 2020. Edinburgh Mervs Award Winners 2019. ★★★★★ Adelaide Advertiser ★★★★★ Three Weeks ★★★★★ Fringefeed. Sunday Times Critical List, Metro Pick of The Fringe. “Night Owl Shows are fast becoming one of the load-bearing walls of the Adelaide Fringe.” Glam Adelaide 2020      


Plenty of free parking available and only 10 mins from the CBD

Presented by: Night Owl Shows

Night Owl Shows aim to redefine the tribute genre, bringing integrity to the art of retro performance. Expect high energy (dancing in the aisles), but also expect to leave with a greater understanding of the context from which the music was born, a formula by which the group has gained world-wide critical acclaim. Sell-out runs at Edinburgh Fringe, Perth Fringe, Brighton Fringe, Adelaide Fringe, and Bear Valley Festival (California). They have picked up 16 awards at afore mentioned festivals as well as over 200 sold out shows and over 100 thousand tickets sold since “17. Described by Glam Adelaide as “one of the load bearing walls of Adelaide Fringe” Night Owl Shows have firmly established their presence as the biggest music production company on the international Fringe Festival circuit.

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