The end times are approaching, apocalypse-preparation-exhaustion has set in but two estranged brothers see a goldmine in misery: selling climate-change bunkers door-to-door to desperate people. You know, like bunkers were all the rage at the time of the atom bomb? As the final days approach, we meet our brothers spruiking their wares. Explore just what your cash can get you - boxes of beans, water, maybe a toilet if you are lucky. If the apocalypse doesn't kill you, assembling your ikea bed will. 10 Cloverfield Lane meets Glengarry Glenross meets Death of a Salesman meets The Road, but funny. Minions, madness, and music from the people who brought you Everything they Ever Said with Fingers Crossed Behind their Backs (Dream BIG) and One Day He Changed (Fringe).
Presented by: SAYarts
SAYarts has been devising shows with young people since 2014. Our practice is youth-led facilitated by professional artists. We have performed in Dream BIG, Adelaide Fringe, AGSA Neo, and will appear in the Adelaide Festival 2024. The company runs after-school workshops for ages 5-25. We also facilitate an emerging professional ensemble called Bunker
Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts
a story that is attention-grabbing and engaging ...The senior ensemble of SAYArts have a strong future in the Arts community, - Andrew Broadbent, https://erisedcauldron.blogspot.com