A lot of things don’t seem to be working. Climate, housing, democracy, education, the list goes on. But things can change. Systems transform and a state of being broken is not inevitable, unavoidable or permanent. There is a range of possible futures before us. Explore these in BROKEN, an interactive exhibition at MOD.
Get a feel for what it’s like to think in long timeframes (we’re talking 60,000 years in the future), and see what happens if trees had a vote.
Drop in and be allocated a home that suits your needs, and consider putting nature first.
In these alternate future worlds, you might find some that better support human flourishing. You might even think of new ones.
So while things seem BROKEN, no one says they have to stay that way.
Presented by: MOD. at UniSA
MOD. is a futuristic museum of discovery. It’s a place to be and be inspired by ideas at the intersection of science, art, and innovation.