A man in front of a miniature keyboard, smiling. He is holding a glass of water in front of his mouth, which flips his mouth horizontally.
A man leaning backwards kneeling on the floor with a heartbeat monitor and an image of Brittany Spears in the background on a TV screen.
Left side: a man standing at a keyboard in a funky pose. Right side: A man looking suspiciously at a tiny hand coming out of his jacket sleeve.

Brave and Bold

Comedy • Cabaret
Victoria • SA Premiere

After playing packed-out extra shows at the Melbourne Fringe, Brave and Bold is coming to an Adelaide Fringe Festival near you. (This one.)

Doug tried to become the ideal, cookie-cutter version of himself - and it sucked. His WAAPA music theatre degree left him with more questions than answers about who he really was, and threw him into a mould that he just didn’t seem to fit. But he’s done trying to fit into someone else’s definition of success. He’s ready to lean into who he really is.

Brave and Bold is a whirlwind of original songs, sketches, characters and jokes from a music theatre tragic (in recovery). With music that jumps from 2000s boy bands, to doo-wop, to samba, you’ll be swept through Doug’s fedora phase, some exciting news from Dua Lipa, and the audition process for Les Miserables.

Sometimes, being yourself is the most brave and bold thing you can do. (That’s the title of the show, so it’s very clever.)

Melb Fringe 2023 Comedy Judges’ Pick
“Ironic, thoughtful, and most of all funny.” Stage Whispers
“Charming and ever relevant… a testament to his strengths as an entertainer.” Theatre Travels
“Great show for all - but a MUST for music theatre nerds.” Melbourne Fringe Comedy Judge

Presented by: Douglas Rintoul

Douglas Rintoul is a Melbourne-based artist, comedian, and music theatre performer. He graduated from Music Theatre at WAAPA in 2020, and formed sketch comedy troupe Bits Akimbo alongside his collaborators, Max Paton, and Katie Currie. Bits Akimbo were nominated for a Green Room award (Best Ensemble - Independent Theatre), in 2023 for their Melbourne Fringe season of Cool Show Sixty Nine. They also won a weekly Best Comedy award in the 2023 FRINGE WORLD Festival for the same show. Douglas’ first solo show Brave and Bold was a Judges Pick in Melbourne Fringe 2023.