This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

Boganlesque header
Wild Skye logo
The Double D's


Cabaret • Burlesque
Western Australia • SA Premiere

Shake the wrinkles outta ya flanno, chuck on your double pluggers, and style that sick mullet. The beer drinking, wheelie bin showgirls are hitting the stage.
Wild Kat and Delza Skye have very dangerously fused their noggins together to create their first Wild Skye production.
It’s noice, it’s different, it’s unusual..... it’s Boganlesque!!!

Be taken on a journey from Armadale to Gosnells as our host retraces their steps of what the heck happened last night at what’s their name's house party. Meet some rather interesting and colourful characters along the way. Bit by bit the memories become more and more vivid and more and more.... well outta control.
So bad, it’s good!

You ain’t even ready for this much bogan action.

Presented by: Skye High Burlesque

First there was 'Skye High Burlesque', Perth production company and burlesque school located in Forrestdale at DivaSquad headquarters. Providing education with theory and movement based classes, courses, workshops and mentorship.

.....Now comes 'Wild Skye', one part Wild Kat and one part Delza Skye. Two creative minds fusing ideas together. Kat - Perth's Kink Queen and Delza - Perth's very own Donut Queen are among Perth's top Burlesque Artists and have been working together on multiple Skye High Burlesque productions and now have finally made it official as co-producers.

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  • ROFL 4
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