This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.

Billy D'Arcy - Anxiously Arrogant

Comedy • Stand Up
New South Wales • SA Premiere
One of Australia's best new comic talents, Billy D'Arcy returns to Adelaide Fringe with an all new hour show. In 2019 he toured his show 'Background Lad' all over the country to sell out crowds. Now after a stint opening for Sam Simmons, he's back better then ever. In 2019 he also launched his hit podcast 'Get Around Me' which quickly garnered a huge following. On top of this Billy is a regular at the prestigious Sydney Comedy Store and has been behind the scenes writing jokes for Fox Sports. Anxiously Arrogant is his second show in what is already becoming an impressive career, so come and catch tomorrows star today.

"Boasts a slick, well practiced delivery and he writes with an easy wit" Chortle UK

Presented by: Billy D'Arcy

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts


    Billy is an up and coming talent and his show is easily worth more than the price of admission. - Fringefeed