A photographic portait of Kaylene Whiskey in a desert landscape, with her arms open, she appears basking in the sun which reflects bright light off her sequined outfit and golden cape.
A close-up photographic portrait of a person looking towards the ground, with one hand gesturing towards their hair, in front of a yellow and black graphic background featuring bees and architectural forms in a honeycomb pattern.
A fantastical collaged image featuring a person comprised of moth wings and watercolour facial features against a background of mountainous layers of orange, red and a patterned texture.

Between the Details: Video Art from the ACMI Collection

Showcasing five moving image artworks by Australian artists, this exhibition celebrates ACMI’s vibrant collecting and commissioning program. 

Working in video offers artists the opportunity to use editing as their primary technique; mixing and matching elements from other films or their own work to tell new stories. By remixing or rearranging footage they build different rhythms and moods, create hilarious juxtapositions or shed new light on cultural cliches and presumed histories. The works in this exhibition all demonstrate an irrepressible desire to bring deep themes to the surface with humour and an incredible attention to detail.

Visual Arts and Design • Visual art
Victoria • Adelaide Fringe Premiere

Mon, 19 Feb - Fri, 15 Mar

7 hr to 9 hr

FUMA Gallery at Flinders University Museum of Art

Free Event (No Tickets Needed)


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