Best of Kids Fringe
• Circus
South Australia
A fun Fringe 'best of show' for kids! Keep them clapping and cheering along
with circus performers, magicians, bubble artists, clowns, sing-a-longs
and puppeteers throughout this ever changing silly spectacle like none
other. "I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Best of Kids Fringe to children 4
to 11 years, and their parents" The Clothes Line.
★★★★1/2 Glam Adelaide.
★★★★1/2 Glam Adelaide.
Presented by: Patrick McCullagh and Funtime Kids
Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts
The act line-up changes from week-to-week, so you can even go several times if your kids were really rapt and it won’t be a repeat. - Sam Bond, Glam Adelaide