Behind Closed Doors - A painting of a white doorframe with red, yellow and orange flames on either side of the frame. Inside the door frame is an obscured red, yellow and grey coloured pattern. The background is black and grey.

Behind Closed Doors

• Mixed Media
South Australia • World Premiere
Using real fire and it's imagery, themes of innocence, domestic violence and recovery are explored in the setting of a childhood bedroom. The loss of control felt in these complex situations is reflected by the unpredictable nature of the flame. Enter an often private and isolated world and discover the scars inflicted upon the body and mind.

Presented by: Sherida Kate

Sherida Kate is a multidisciplinary artist with an interest in drawing, painting, sculpture, jewellery and textiles. Her current practice involves incorporating fire into these disciplines.

From the age of two she was most easily amused by a piece of paper and any drawing implement, and this passion only grew throughout her years of study. She recently graduated from the University of South Australia with a Bachelor of Contemporary Art.

Her interest in fire stemmed from working in Adelaide Fringe production "The Talents of Darkness" where she began learning the art of fire eating, which soon led her to exploring the use of fire in a visual arts sense. This can involve the use of flame, smoke and ash as both destructive forces and means of creation and transformation.

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Bold and gripping, Kate has been able to capture the effects of such trauma that is relatable and yet also confronting. - Dina Ustovic, Mindshare