This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2017 season. This season is now over.

Bad Luck Cabaret

Cabaret • Music

Laurie Black taunts the gods of bad luck in her debut Adelaide Fringe show.  

Joined by a variety of performers including (but not limited to) burlesque, cabaret and music, you're invited to a glitzy, glam and dangerous night out!

Dress for the end of the world, or the beginning. Get ready to smash some mirrors, sing along to drinking songs and wrap yourself up in danger tape.

There may or may not be prizes. Bad luck! THE BEST IN ALTERNATIVE CABARET.

Presented by: Laurie Black

"Pint-sized vixen" and Bad Luck Boss Laurie Black is a piano playing songwriter from the UK. Since 2017's Adelaide Fringe she's been touring with Adelaide's Anya Anastasia's Rogue Romantic & Briefs Factory production Sweatshop. She's ready to kick bad luck where it hurts! - also check out her solo show LAURIE BLACK:LIVE.