Bad Boys of British Comedy - Ollie Horn and Darius Davies

Bad Boys of British Comedy

The Bad Boys of British Comedy - Darius Davies (English Comedian of the Year, BBC, vaping inside) and Ollie Horn (best reviewed show of Ed Fringe '24, ITV, jaywalking) make their way to Adelaide Fringe to corrupt South Australia.

Think riding bikes with no hands, ignoring ‘wet paint’ signs, pressing the ‘close door’ button in a lift when someone approaches. This is no holds barred, too hot for TV, XXX rated comedy. A show your mother doesn't want you to see: leather jackets, elbows on the table, and perhaps even references to the green stuff (only those in the know will know what that means, but we’re not talking about vegetables that’s all we’re saying).

Over 2 million views on social media.

“Pure comedy” The Times

"An hour of escapist perfection" Mumble

Comedy • Stand-Up
International • SA Premiere
Fri, 07 Mar - Sun, 09 Mar
60 min
Balcony Rooms at The Austral Hotel
R18+ (1 Warning)
$30 to $36
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details