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Austral Hotel Laneway Party - Flyer for Austral laneway parties - peachy background with grassy floral and 2 pillows with butterflies.

Austral Hotel Laneway Party

Join us as we take advantage of those balmy summer nights, setting up the Bent Street Laneway next door to the Austral Hotel for a series of Laneway Parties every weekend during the Fringe period.

The Laneway Series is free for everyone, featuring Coopers van Dance floor and extended alfresco seating....soundtracked and curated by some of Adelaide's leading DJs and International acts & bands. 

Fun is high on the list soak up the Fringe Vibes!!

Friday to Sunday 5pm to 12am.

Community Events • Music
South Australia
Fri, 28 Feb - Sun, 23 Mar
5pm - 12am
The Austral Street Party at The Austral Hotel
Free Event (No Tickets Needed)
More show, venue & access details