This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2019 season. This season is now over.

Auslusion: Gadzookz!

Magic • Magic/Illusion
Returning for their fourth year, Auslusion proudly presents their brand NEW show! A magic show set in the 1920's when magic was in its prime. This duo have no need for grand illusions, fancy lights or dancing show girls. You will witness an elegant magic show not seen for almost a century including dazzling magic and comedic intellect.

This show will certainly have you yelling 'GADZOOKZ' by the end!


"Comedic Intellect and Dazing Magic!" The Clothesline

"Can't recommend their show enough. I had the best night out I've had in weeks!" TayAroundTown


Please note that the session on the 8th has been moved to the Library.

Presented by: Auslusion

Auslusion is a unique magic show featuring two of the best Victorian magicians around.
Travel back with Auslusion to the 1920's when magic was in its golden years and crowds of hundreds would back vaudeville theatres. Mr. Stunz and Mr. Wonders unique magic shows will amaze and astound you with their comedic intellect and dazzling magic. The constant gentlemanly banter between the pair will have you in stiches and their magic will have you gobsmacked. You will be entertained with this one of a kind magic show.