Andy Seymour - The Soundtrack of our Lives - Andy Seymour

Andy Seymour - The Soundtrack of our Lives

Remember when AM radio was king; when we knew the words to every song and cruised with the windows down belting out the words to every song like no one was listening?
We thought our younger years were never going to end.
The good news is, Andy Seymour is here to remind you of the Soundtrack of our lives... when KFC was seriously deep fried, when excess sugar was barely enough, and Bex was the go-to.

C’mon people, let’s do this... let’s dance ‘n sing with reckless abandon!

Cabaret • Music
South Australia • Australian Premiere
Sat, 22 Feb
120 min
Theatre at Murray Bridge Performing Arts & Function Centre
$25 to $30
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details
Season has ended