An Aussie Arab - An Aussie Arab. Depicts a female dressed half in traditional Palestinian robes and half in Aussie outback clothing holding a microphone.

An Aussie Arab

Comedy • Solo show
South Australia • World Premiere

★★★★1/2 "her Australian-Arab background really got the crowd laughing, and I loved her old-school stand-up style. A great start to the show", SEE DO EAT REVIEW

Ever felt like you are at war with yourself? Sophy Nassar is bringing peace to the Middle East with the hilarious stories she has to tell as a half Arab Muslim, half Aussie Christian. Everyone who has experienced the melting pot that is Australia will be familiar with the comedic moments that occur when two cultures collide!

Presented by: Sophy Nassar

Comedian Sophy Nassar is a 2021 Raw Melbourne International Comedy festival SA state finalist. She is fresh off of a hugely successful Adelaide Fringe 2022 season where her show “No Mans Land” received a 4.5 stars from See Do Eat Review. Sophy is a regular performer in the Adelaide comedy scene and also performs stand up for corporate and charity events. In 2022 she performed in Brisbane at a charity event alongside comedy great Craig Quartermaine.

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • I’m no fan of audience interaction yet Nassar’s relaxed and good natured style made it easy when she locks in on you and unpacks part of you - Louise Pascale, Mindshare

  • I think I had more laughs per minute watching An Aussie Arab than any other show I‘ve been to this Fringe! - See Do Eat Review