Ain't it Funny - A black & white shot of the bearded Clay McMath, eyes closed, tongue out, holding 'rock on' hand signs up next to his face. Clay is wearing a white t-shirt on a white background. He has his hair out of his usual braids, frizzy and wild.

Ain't it Funny

Comedy • Stand-up
South Australia • World Premiere

Maybe it's time to actually laugh out loud. Clay debuts his solo show at this year's Adelaide Fringe. His stories provide a vulnerable insight into his identity, pulling no punches with his observant social commentary. If you take one thing away from this show, it will be not to judge a book by its cover.

Presented by: Claybrin McMath

Clay is an Australian Comedian, born and raised in Adelaide. He grew up idolising Michael Jordan and Eddie Murphy. He spent his life playing basketball and traveled the world in pursuit of his hoop dreams. After hanging up his boots in 2019, he began to pursue comedy after being a lifelong fan and has had the bug ever since. Clay was a South Australian finalist in RAW Comedy 2020 and has developed an observational story-telling style.

Clay can be seen in the film 'Mortal Kombat', but only if you concentrate very hard and don't blink.

Clay's podcast, 'Welcome to the Poddy' is apparently an award-winning comedy podcast, depending on who you ask.

All of his 'facts' are unsourced, emotionally based, and fuelled by the souls of forgotten reality TV stars.