Live performance at Chale Wote Festival
At Chale Wote Festival
Spiritual Dance, for healing.

African Drum and Dance For Wellbeing

Immerse yourself in traditional African Drumming and Dance rhythms with Mala Majo and One Spirit Africa collaboration for an authentic master drum and dance teachers who will lead you through a dynamic workshop of rhythms, dance, history, healing, and rituals designed to uplift and connect with nature.

Incursion of this performance available to schools upon request. Contact Schools Program Coordinator at

Dance • Performance Art
International • World Premiere
d/Deaf and/or Lived Experience of Disability Shows
Culturally and/or linguistically diverse
Thu, 27 Feb - Sat, 01 Mar
80 min to 120 min
2 venues
$30 to $50
More show, venue & access details

Please note: This event has had a title change from 'NOTSAMO (Continuation)' to 'African Drum and Dance For Wellbeing' since the Adelaide Fringe Guide was printed.
