A background of violet starts at the top and blends into orange then back into violet, similar to a sunset colouring. A silhouette of a guitar lies sideways with small silhouettes of iconic South Australian landmarks spread across the curves of the guitar like a small hills. From left to right there is grapevines, the big rocking horse, bicycles, Japanese Garden gates, the pandas from the zoo (Wang Wang and Funi), the pergola on the River Torrens, St Peters cathedral, the malls balls, a white festival centre, football goal posts and some fir trees. The bottom half of the guitar silhouette is a pale purple like it is underwater and the guitar is an island.

Adelaide Songs - Our Story

Music • Cabaret
South Australia
Explore and celebrate our city's unique story in song. Our changing skyline, the State Bank Collapse, Hindley Street at night, our bonanza of Festivals, Tim-Marcus Clark, The Xmas Pageant, Dr George Duncan, Colonel William Light... Adelaide Songs is about them, you and us.

"Go and see this show. It will make you Adelaide proud" The Advertiser.

"These are talented and thoughtful songwriters and skilled musicians... Adelaide Songs continues to delight all those who live in and love this city." Nicky Titchener, In Daily.

Formed in 1995 the Adelaide Songs projects continues to develop new songs about our city. Presented in blues, ballad, jazz, vaudeville, reggae and more.
Performers: Paul Roberts, Alan Hartley, Keith Preston, Ashley Turner, Satomi Ohnishi, Peter Franche, Jamie Webster

Presented by: Hats Inc

HATs (Heritage Arts and Traditions) is an award winning independent arts organisation based in the Clare Valley & Adelaide. Founded in 2010 we run the famous Auburn Courthouse Arts Centre and have presented over 300 events in the Valley as well as a number of special projects such as Adelaide Songs. We tour artists, develop an arts audience in the Mid North region and build community through arts events and activities. Each year we present a four week Fringe season. Adelaide Songs and its spin off 'Songs of The Mid North' is a celebration of Adelaide and SA through songwriting and has had a strong response from audiences.

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