This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2018 season. This season is now over.

Abandoman's Rob Broderick – The Musical in My Mind

Comedy • Music
Australian Premiere
Rob Broderick, Abandoman's freestyling frontman, is bringing his new solo show to the Fringe. A beautiful combination of hip-hop and animation; the show is two parts Drake, one part Disney. With poetic flourish, Rob dances between playing the parts of introspective rapper, pop culture commentator and all-out musical surrealist.

"Flight of the Conchords meets 8 Mile"

"Wildly funny and technically incredible, Broderick is a genius!" ★★★★★ The Age

"Killer punchlines. Note-perfect, lyrically mind-blowing hip hop. Genius!" The Stage

"Few Fringe acts can match Rob Broderick's consistency levels, the speed of wit and sleight-of-tongue of his improv rapping skills bordering on the magical." Fest Magazine

Presented by: Sharon Burgess Productions

Age Suitability: M. This productions contains loud noises.