This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2017 season. This season is now over.

Aaarrrr! All aboard for Piratey Variety.

Music • Circus

Through the billowing smoke, the flickering flames and the dark ocean spray they come, CAPTAIN HELLFIRE AND THE WRETCHED BRETHREN, the filthiest band of murderous pirates to ever sail the seven seas.

Brought together by their insatiable lust for rum and booty, they play a mixture of true rock and traditional music of the sea. A unique blend of music perfectly designed to make you chug rum and jig as though you were possessed by the Devil himself!

The Brethren are joined by Adelaide-based circus performer and teacher, Kate Lawrence, who has conquered the world, having travelled through Australia and the UK and is now here to share her swashbuckling skills!

The crew look set to continue their successful voyages through the local waters and taverns, recruiting more pirates and wenches to their noble cause of continuous rum guzzling and never-ending debauchery. So come aboard and join the crew, they sail for glory with the morning tide! YARRRR!!!!!

Presented by: Captain Hellfire and the Wretched Brethren