This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.

A Thousand Cranes

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Cross-Artform
South Australia

*****Winners of the 2019 ATG Award for Best Youth Theatre*****

The atomic bomb that dropped on Hiroshima changed everything, especially for 12-year-old Sadako Sasaki. In a concord of live theatre, contemporary dance, music and aerial silks her true story, captured in a play by Kathryn Schultz Miller, lives on. The Gemini Collective pay homage to the girl who sparked a movement of peace.

Join us outside the stunning Himeji Gardens with Japanese food trucks, Bubble Tea and more for a glorious family day out.

"Without exception they all give terrific performances, bringing to life this deeply moving tale about death and hope. It is without doubt, for me, the strongest and most consistent and uniformly most powerful ensemble of community actors that I have recently seen in Adelaide." Tony Knight, Stage Whispers

Presented by: The Gemini Collective

The Gemini Collective is a partnership of creatives with many years of industry experience. Their first Fringe show “Ivy + Bean the Musical” was a 2018 Fringe Festival highlight receiving 5 star Advertiser reviews amongst other rapturous reports.

Sarah Williams - Director | Producer | Choreographer
Sarah has lived and breathed the theatre life since she could talk. She has a Bach Arts (Hons) majoring in Drama and Dance, and choreographs major amateur shows. She is currently the Performing Arts teacher at St Paul Lutheran School and teaches at TIDC dance studios.

Anthony Butler - Director | Producer | Designer
Anthony is an all-round creative with many years experience in digital arts media and music. He performs regularly in Adelaide musical theatre.

Our guest composer is Jennifer Trijo

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts


    .captivating and poignant...a unity of live theatre, contemporary dance, music and aerial silks. - Anita Kertes, Hi-Fi Way


    this family-friendly show is the perfect metaphor of a paper crane, Dainty, but with very elaborate features and a deeply meaningful message - Marianna Meloni, Everything Theatre UK