Mon, May 4 2020
Audiences everywhere can now purchase tickets and enjoy online entertainment from their favourite local and international Fringe artists, in the comfort of their home.
Adelaide FringeVIEW has officially launched!
Audiences everywhere can now purchase tickets and enjoy online entertainment from their favourite
local and international Fringe artists, in the comfort of their home.
The online platform has been designed as an experiment to create new income stream for artists still
looking to perform while restrictions are in place, with audiences asked to buy a ticket and help support
the industry.
Artists from a range of genres including circus, comedy, music, dance and food and lifestyle have
uploaded video content as a Fringe event on the Adelaide FringeVIEW platform.
More than 60 events are now live and ready to watch. Expect performances from artists like Australian
actor, singer and performer Hugh Sheridan, Adelaide Fringe favourite Tash York and comedian Greg
Fleet, as well as shows like Orpheus and Escape from Trash Mountain.
Adelaide Fringe Director and CEO Heather Croall said she was thrilled to officially launch Adelaide
FringeVIEW to the general public.
“It’s been wonderful to see the variety of artists register for FringeVIEW since announcing the initiative
last month,” she said. “This is all about providing a digital platform that will help support our artists to
showcase their talents to audiences in what’s been a very difficult and uncertain time for the arts
industry overall,” she said.
“FringeVIEW is free for artists anywhere to register. If you haven’t already, please join us to provide
online entertainment for people to enjoy while they have to stay at home. We also encourage members
of the public to get behind our artists and support them by purchasing a ticket to watch their works.”
BankSA has announced it has come on-board as Presenting Partner of Adelaide FringeVIEW.
“BankSA has been backing Adelaide Fringe as Principal Partner for the past 15 years with a focus on
making performances accessible to more people and supporting artists,” said BankSA Chief Executive
Nick Reade. “We are pleased to put our support behind this fantastic initiative that will help to support
many artists that have been impacted as a result of COVID-19, while delivering a fantastic array of
entertainment to people’s living rooms.”
Adelaide FringeVIEW is strictly a pilot program and will be reviewed upon completion at the end of
May. Registrations are free and all proceeds from ticket sales are given back to the artist.
To access Adelaide FringeVIEW visit: