2019 Top 40 Poster Designs Announced

Thu, Aug 30 2018
We'd like to extend a huge thank you to each and every one of you ​that submitted a design for the 2019 Adelaide Fringe Poster! This year's brief was to design a poster which celebrates the diversity of the artists and audiences who take part in our Fringe.
We'd like to extend a huge thank you to each and every one of you that submitted a design for the 2019 Adelaide Fringe Poster! This year's brief was to design a poster which celebrates the diversity of the artists and audiences who take part in our Fringe. Your creativity and inspiration never ceases to amaze us, and selecting a Top 40 from each of the submissions was a difficult task.
But here they are, in no particular order, the Top 40 entries for your viewing pleasure!
The winning design will be announced next Thursday, September 6 - keep your eyes open for the big announcement.