This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

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Simply Brill: The Teens Who Stole 60's Rock n Roll–A man with short brown hair sits and plays piano, wearing a white shirt and black slim tie. A blonde woman stands behind him wearing an orange dress, leaning on the front of the piano, while a shorter brunette woman wearing a white top leans on the back of the piano. There is sheet music on the music stand, a lamp on in the background, and they all smile, looking slightly off camera as though someone has just entered the room they are rehearsing in.

Simply Brill: The Teens Who Stole 60's Rock n Roll

A joyous celebration of the songwriters who shaped 1960s rock n roll

Audience Reacts

  • Standing ovation 9
 Standing ovation
17 March 2024 - Margie L.
Amelia Ryan, Michaela Burger and Michael Griffiths cleverly and delightfully perform the most informative, quirky and entertaining story about the iconic Brill Building in New York. Using their artistic talents, creative style and captivating voices their audience is thoroughly immersed into the history of rock n roll and appreciating insights and revelations about famous artists such as Carole King, Cynthia Weil and Ellie Greenwich. A must see, award winning show.
 Standing ovation
18 February 2024 - Glenda B.
Such delightful talent, slick band, great choice of songs around the story, loved it.
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