Fringe Feed

Jeromaia Detto: MUSH - A cut out of a mans face is surrounded by small sketches of a stick figure, plane, Eifel tower and a light bulb. He also has a sketch of his brains falling from his head. This is all on a crumpled note paper.

Jeromaia Detto: MUSH

Nominated Best Physical Theatre & Circus and Spirit of the Fringe, Sydney Fringe 2023.

Audience Reacts

  • ROFL 7
  • Hidden Gem 2
  • Standing ovation 3
18 February 2024 - Juliette W.
I cried with laughter! Would absolutely see again. This guy is the master of engagement and fun! Highly recommend.
Hidden Gem
Hidden Gem
20 February 2024 - Jazz K.
So funny, so engaging, so playful. Wonderful character work. It wasn’t just me. The whole audience was totally into it the whole time. Do yourself a favour. Come and get silly.
See all Audience Reacts