Fringe Feed

In Small Doses - A traditional Russian Babushka Doll half-opened revealing a smaller version of the wooden doll inside.

In Small Doses

A real mother and daughter put their fiery relationship on stage. Sound familiar?

Audience Reacts

  • Hidden Gem 2
Hidden Gem
Hidden Gem
24 February 2024 - Nayeema H.
Would recommend. Relatable, and funny
Hidden Gem
Hidden Gem
02 March 2024 - Ellie P.
"In Small Doses" reveals a touching and amusing tale of a mother-daughter duo, authentically portrayed by Maroussia Vladi and Youlia Alexander, drawing from real experiences. With Ecole Jacques Lecoq training, their performances brim with depth. Despite potential conflicts, they mesmerize, blending theatre with clowning. Awarded Best of Theatre at Adelaide Fringe, it's a must-see. Don't miss this fusion of acting and clowning. Only two days left!
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