Reviewed by: The Advertiser
Review by Tara Nash | 20 February 2022
If you’ve ever wanted a behind-the-scenes look into the life of stand-up comedy, this is the show for you. After we watch a reel of some of their stand-up moments, comedians Lindsay Webb and Wayne Deakin sit down with a drink for a chat. For the next 45 minutes, the pair reflect on their careers in a casual, and conversational style setting. It’s a bit of a different style to what you’d normally get from comedians, as we hear about some of the gigs they’ve had, including some of the worst, their favourite hecklers and mentions of well-known comedians they rub shoulders with. The show feels like a chat you’d have with them if you met them at a pub, with them answering their most frequently asked questions. It’s interesting enough, and funny, but from two seasoned comedians it could have stronger stories, insights or more jokes to carry the show.