Reviewed by: mindshare
Review by Dina Ustovic | 22 February 2022

“I’ll write my own story, I won’t ask what if,” says Jennifer Trijo in her outstanding show, Someday - A Mindful Cabaret. This quote perfectly encapsulates the true essence of her latest entertaining act as Trijo delights us with a performance so powerful in its earnestness to spread its message of mindfulness and finding positivity in daily life. 

With a playful smile, Trijo begins to weave a delicate thread of different tales all harkening to this core idea of mindfulness. As her hauntingly beautiful voice echoes through the room, it is clear that the audience is not just captivated by the illustrious music, but rather Trijo herself. She is fascinating to watch as she commands the attention of the audience and keeps it in her steady palm, her voice similar to a siren’s call in these moments. 

This ability to hold the audience’s attention through beautiful vocals allows us to understand Trijo’s ideas of positivity. She carefully creates an understanding with the audience that whilst it may be difficult, celebrating the little things in our daily life is the key to happiness. As Trijo guides us through a meditation, the energy shifts in the room as you feel the collective audience pause and take a moment to ponder this new revelation. 

This revelation however is not new to Trijo. Trijo is frank and direct about her own past history with mental health, her vulnerability allowing her to become closer to the crowd. It is this ability to be authentic and relatable that allows Trijo to discuss mental health in a way that feels dignified. 

Whilst some may find the content of the show too focused on positivity and mindfulness, Trijo is not dismissive of the struggle of mental health. She allows for nuance in this discussion as she reminds us that changing your mindset and focusing on positives can be a privilege to some.  

Furthermore, she reminds us that the road to recovery is not simple or easy. It can be a struggle to find meaning when all hope feels lost. Trijo understands this. She gently guides the audience to remember that we are self-determined beings, we can write our stories and define our mental health as we see fit. 

With each melodic refrain so lovingly crafted, finishing Someday feels like leaving a show with a warm metaphoric comfort blanket on. Perhaps this is what Someday does best, allow us to hold onto that warm ray of hope for just one second longer. Five stars.