Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Kristin Stefanoff | 20 February 2022
They may not know how to make fire (or bathe), but these Neanderthals really know how to put on a show that is both hilarious and spectacular. Harley, Chelsea and Alex play three bumbling Neanderthals as they navigate escaping wild animals, crossing rivers, finding food and making fire, all while executing fantastic circus tricks. The physical humour is performed well, to the great amusement of both children and adults in the audience, but it was really the circus tricks where this cast shone. Their tricks were slick and professional, eliciting gasps and ‘wow’s from the audience, including my 6-year-old who particularly loved the hula-hoop routine and the Cyr Wheel (like a giant hoop, for those not up with the lingo). Aerial stunts and plenty of floor acrobatics also featured in the show, demonstrating the strength and flexibility of the performers. The only thing that let this show down was the sound balance, with the background music overpowering most of the talking (grunting?) of the Neanderthals during comedy moments as well as the prerecorded narrator at times. Hopefully this will be settled as their season continues.