Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by Jacki Bishop | 20 February 2022
Full of fun, amazing circus tricks and just enough toilet humour, the team at Head First Acrobats have delivered another fantastic family-friendly show! A trio of Neanderthals go on a quest to find food and have to navigate rivers, how to build a fire, the ever present threat of lions, crazy dreams and what to do when you find enough food for two...not three! Circus tricks are cleverly built into the show - expect to see acrobatics, strength, lifts and balances, trapeze, hoops and aerial work. These three work brilliantly as a trio and judging by the gasps of delight from the audience, we weren't the only ones impressed! Oh and did we mentioned the music? Sweet tunes accompany the tricks and by the time the show finished, we adults were reliving our clubbing days! See the show at 4pm on weekends in The Garden of Unearthly Delights.