Reviewed by: The Curious Writer
Review by Michelle Hok | 19 February 2022

Words by Your Local Hok. 

Hosts of The Jack and Annie Show are two best friends. You’d think on the face of it that they dread each other with the amount of tension between them, but in fact need one another to make the show wholesome.

Jack and Annie’s synergy, enthusiasm, and unapologetic vulgarity are an absolute stand-out of their performance.

The Jack and Annie Show presents a unique take on the format of a talk show and delights you with their various dance-montages, drama, and suspense. It is a hilarious hour filled with in-your-face laughs and makes a true mockery of talk-shows.

As with a typical talk show, various segments are touched upon, from news, sport and entertainment to hot gossip.

But don’t be fooled by the semi-structured nature of the show during the opening stages, for it soon evolves in to a series of spontaneous skits, wild giveaways, and audience-centred roasting.

What would be a talk show without its copious amounts of sponsors and advertisements pushed in your face through the entirely of the show? You’ll end up desiring some Beach Bleach or Beans Jeans with the persuasiveness of Jack and Annie.

Unexpectedly, there are a lot of sexual innuendos made throughout the show which at times seemed unfitting and slightly excessive, so be prepared to cringe if it’s not quite your jam.