Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Tracey Korsten | 19 February 2022
In 1986 Paul Simon released an album that would change the face of contemporary music. Inspired by the Township sound of South Africa, he travelled to Johannesburg, working and recording there with local artists. The resulting collection of songs spanned a wealth of styles, but was firmly rooted in the South African sound, with backing vocals on several tracks from Ladysmith Black Mambazo. He called it Graceland. Local musicians Harry Baulderstone & Marcus Ryan have made a name for themselves interpreting the music of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. They premiered their show Feelin’ Groovy at the 2017 Adelaide Fringe, and have gone on to perform it around the country. This year they have upped the ante, with the first half of the show being the entire Graceland album. They have pulled in a splendid nine-piece band to help them recreate that incredible sound. From the opening note it is clear that here are musicians who respect the music, know what they are doing, and know when to add their own touches. Both Baulderstone and Ryan have exquisite voices, as well as being solid guitarists. The line-up was more than capable of delivering such numbers as Boy in the Bubble, Call Me Al, and the eponymous Graceland. For numbers where Mambazo’s vocals feature, they sensibly didn’t attempt to sing, using the original film clip as the opening acapella for Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes, and presenting the simple, sweet, demo version of Homeless. Both songs worked well. The second half of the show featured their better known collection of Simon and Garfunkel numbers, including such hits as I am a Rock, Homeward Bound, Sounds of Silence, Mrs Robinson, and a suitably rousing version of Bridge over Troubled Water. They also threw in a couple of Everly Brothers numbers, in honour of their influence on early S & G (or Tom and Jerry as they were first known!) Ryan and Baulderstone have delivered an evening of sublime musicianship, presented with authentic joy and passion. Minor quibbles: some of the songs need tidier endings; and the second half could be 3-4 songs shorter. But what a delight to see the talent there is here in Adelaide. This has to be one of the best music shows in the Fringe.