Right! No muckin’ around with this one. McDermott is back at Adelaide’s Rhino Room for the 2022 Adelaide Fringe Festival, with a show that he spruiks as one of “Love and Understanding”. Paul’s fans will not be surprised to find out that this is a lie.
Paul and his offsider give us what we love from him and what he loves to give. A verbal slapping of covidiots, crooked and inept politicians, and anyone else who has gotten on his nerves during the debacle that has been 2020, 2021, and 2022 so far.
McDermott’s wit is always at its best when enjoyed in the free environment of live stand-up. As much as he bags out the Rhino Room, it’s the perfect setting to delight and terrorise his audience. Returning with him in 2022 is Glenn, who we can’t tell you much about, for reasons that will become evident.
If, like Paul, you’re frustrated and annoyed with the idiocy portrayed by so many in our society, this show is right up your alley. As a self-proclaimed “Silly Smug Lefty” with cutting satirical wit and little restraint, those of the right-leaning persuasion might wanna sit this one out.
After suffering Covid himself, Paul has plenty of ammunition and motive, and he uses them both with precision, skill, and devastating effectiveness. Those who deserve no mercy, receive none.
Paul suggests that his voice is still recovering from Covid, but you wouldn’t know it. His form is as brilliant as ever, and paired with Glenn’s backup vocals and musical accompaniment, they’re a joy to hear.
Don’t buy a ticket. Buy two. To two separate nights. The show is fluid and I doubt any two performances will be alike. Get in there, empty your bladder, then brace yourself for an hour of mirth, menace, and merriment. Paul McDermott + 1 will sell out, though – so get your tickets now.