Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Fran Edwards | 20 March 2021

Following previous successful Fringe shows, Amity Dry knows what works. Armed with  a delightful smile, a great voice and some disarming chat, Amity returns again to the Adelaide Fringe. Backed by a tight ensemble under Musical Director Sam Leske, she covered many of her hits old and new as well as pleasing the audience with some old favourites from earlier female singer/songwriters.

Adding the soft sounds of the cello, played by Jacqui Finlay, to some of the gentler songs, Leske on guitar, Milush Piochaud on bass and John McDermott on drums, with Amity herself on piano, they wended their way through songs like The Lighthouse, True to Me, Rollercoaster and others, demonstrating Dry’s powerful voice.

After covering Adele and others, the audience showed their approval when she paid tribute to Carole King with great versions of Far Away, It’s Too Late, and others. Amity also treated us to one of her new songs, Beautifully Brave, showing that she is still writing her life and will keep performing her music. It’s too late to book, you’ve missed this one but I’m sure you can catch her next Fringe!