Reviewed by: The AU Review
Review by John Goodridge | 19 March 2025

To sum up Spyhard, suave English agent Antonio Tranderas (Anthony Tran) and the captivating Russian operative Faytasha Romanov (Fay MacFarlane) are caught up in a world of acrobatics and high-flying stunts. As a tribute to the action spy movies from the 80s and 90s, Spyhard ticks all the boxes. The duo, known as Circus Sorbet, have a natural rapport, and both are equally skilled in swinging from suspended poles, ropes and straps.

The opening is pure James Bond, with Agent Tranderas receiving instructions from a faceless leader. What starts as being played for laughs, soon changes when the Russian operative climbs the pole to swing above the tightly packed Ukiyo audience. As Edmund Collins sings, “Never Met a Girl Like You Before,”  the powerful acrobatics are on display. What follows is a seemingly endless supply of parodies of the action film genre, blended with a series of shows of strength.

The storyline is as ludicrous and flimsy as any good Bond movie but serves as an umbrella for the action. Love stories, kung fu fighting, criss-crossed laser beams are all there and put to good use by the duo. The audience plays along in just the right measure to add another layer of humour to the story. An upbeat soundtrack, plenty of costume changes and clever lighting helped keep the momentum going for the full hour.

Tran and McFarlane have been together both professionally and romantically for around a decade, and it shows. They met at Perth Fringe and then presented a show called Love Life Laundry, which has had rave reviews over the last five years. This Adelaide fringe marks the final performance of Love Life Laundry and the premier of Spyhard.

The opening night audience, which included artists from other Fringe shows, gave a rousing standing ovation, which is not often seen in acrobatic shows. For those looking for a bit of old-school spy adventure served up with a healthy dose of acrobatics, Spyhard is the show for you.