@primaltheshow was inspired by the raw energy of the animal kingdom. That primordial energy is evident in every detail of the show. Every member of the cast and crew of @primaltheshow executed their roles perfectly. The result was a circus that was fast paced, intense, a visual feast, exciting and extremely enjoyable to watch. Easily a highlight of my 2025 Fringe Experience!
The show opened with a group routine that showcased the talented performers involved in the show. Acrobats, Vocalists Dancers. It was clear from that first routine this was going to be special. From then there was amazing performance after amazing performance. Entering from all manner of places around the stage immediately after the previous act had finished. It was so exciting.
The choreography also really stood out to me as exceptional. Aerial equip and dance choreography was pushed to its absolute limits and the audience was lucky enough to watch the absolutely glorious pieces because of the hard work of the production crew.
@primaltheshow was entertaining and engaging to watch. But what I loved most about @primaltheshow is that it felt like a group of people trying to move circus art forward. If this is where circus is going I’ll take two tickets for next year….