Reviewed by: Such Cliche
Review by Cara Brown | 15 March 2025

Cutesy insomniac Sam McGowan endears himself to you from the start with his adorable manner.

Like lots of smaller shows, a tech difficulty could have made for awkwardness but McGowan took this speedhump in his stride and made beautifully light the tech glitches.

Going over why he can’t sleep, McGowan taps into something familiar, his manner is soft and smart yet cuttingly honest.

In exploring the realistic and unrealistic grudges he holds, he had the audience in stitches, once again homing in on a fascinating part of the human condition and magnifying the experience to absurd proportions. So much that it made this reviewer subsequently question their personal issue with a certain pop star mentioned in the show

McGowan has a quality where he does not use camp tropes to highlight punchlines but rather cleverly winds you through stories that land adeptly. The frustration with societal ignorance shared by all in the room

Can’t Sleep as a whole does something very satisfying, on the surface it is a lovely giggle, pleasing and comfortable. Dig deeper and the show gives you food for thought, a veritable takeaway of why we are they way we are.

I could have listened to more of McGowan, his stories starting off disjointed and culminating brilliantly showing a thorough understand of what makes a great performance.

Cannot wait to see what McGowan brings us next year.