I grew up with magic. My uncle was one of Adelaide’s finest magicians and while he wouldn’t explain all his secrets, he told me a few, and what to look for. So, I was keen to see what Tales from Asteroid b-612:An Original Magic Show was all about.
Upstairs at The Lost Dice is a little room called the ‘Adelaide Magic Theatre’. Its intimate, so all the better to see magic up close and personal.
We are welcomed by Em Chandler (the director and sound operator) who explains how the two magicians Clement Kwok (who discovered magic at the age of 8) and Aby Thomas (who started magic 8 years ago) can learn a new show living in two different states and then come together for 5 rehearsals together before presenting “A shared love of connecting to others through wonder brought the two together and launched a journey of self-discovery, reinvention and sheep.”.
The illusions are great and include – the classic linking rings, some mind reading using Lego people, changing coins to rocks and making a drawing from the audience coming to life. Did all the tricks work as expected? No, but that’s all part of the fun. I watched the children in the audience, they were immersed in the story and the magic and that’s what the essence of the show is about.
Tales from Asteroid b-612: An Original Magic Show is exactly what it says, a new way of imagining magic shows where the narrative is as important as the ‘tricks’. It’s a great show to take the kids and watch their eyes widen with wonder!