Reviewed by: Hush & Pandemonium on Three D Radio 93.7FM
Review by Margaret Legedza | 18 March 2021

I always make an effort to see at least one flamenco show during the Fringe, having played flamenco guitar many years ago, and am still in awe of it.  But this was not to be a traditional flamenco performance.  Acclaimed Adelaide Flamenco Ensemble, Compania Alma Flamenca, have returned to the Adelaide Fringe with a flamenco production like no other.  Las Cuatro explores the cycles of human interactions and experiences that lead to transformative power.  It is a story, portrayed through dance, music, and theatre, inspired by the volatility of changing seasons.  A team of six highly skilled dancers, showcased various styles of Flamenco dance elements including batas de cola (tail dresses), mantones (shawls), and abanicos (fans), and used props including mirrors and books. The music was an eclectic mix Flamenco intertwined with contemporary world music, Iberian drumming and original compositions by Australian composer Byron Mark, and Paco Lara from Spain.  The costumes were exquisite as was the choreography which included up to six dancers on stage.  The performance was dramatic and emotive, and demanded one’s attention.  My highlight was the beautiful dance with handheld mirrors, which reflected light and added an additional element to the already captivating dance.  I highly recommend this show for lovers of dance.