Reviewed by: Stage Whispers
Review by Mark Wickett | 09 March 2025

Sir Walter Raleigh spends a lot of time locked up in the Tower of London. Whether it’s for marrying the Queen’s lady-in-waiting without permission from the monarch, or treason against the King, Raleigh has found a way to live a reasonable life from within a prison cell, seemingly his only trouble being where he last had his clay pipe.

Dyad Productions present a one-man show about Sir Walter, performed with style, wit and a troublesome ruff, by Andrew Margerison. He starts and ends with Raleigh in the Tower, but in between, the audience is taken on exciting adventures across the seas, talking up his role in the destruction of the Spanish fleet (with Sir Francis Drake), and his final mission for a monarch, seeking the lost city of Gold in what is now Venezuela.