Reviewed by: The Barefoot Review
Review by Alex Wheaton | 15 March 2021

Petit Circus

Adelaide Fringe

The Peacock, Gluttony



What an absolute joy this performance was. 60 minutes, no breaks or slow spots; three actors and performers who appeared at the top of their game, and simple circus theatrics throughout, done with flair and excitement.

The Peacock, a larger tent at the back of the Gluttony melange, hosted a solid crowd of screaming kids and their parents (errr, and grandparents) on this Sunday afternoon. With the addition of a table and some utensils and bowls, and a large dollop of imagination, the space is transformed into a restaurant kitchen, presided over by the irrepressible Chef Anderson, the newest member of the trio. What a wonderful addition! The energy and excitement he brought to the performance was palpable.

To see the three performers - the aforementioned Chef - and Jane and Chris swapping off their juggling baton in a whirl of light and colour is to see something very special indeed.

‘Petit Circus’ is circus craft: juggling and balancing acts, trapeze and knife tossing, and as a finale, plate spinning. Doesn’t sound too challenging? Think again. I have never before seen such consummate skill, such seamless transition from one part of the performance to another.

The show ‘builds’ to a concluding piece; the spinning plates routine as the three ‘staff’ plate up for a banquet, but for my money the highlight in the show came much earlier. Chris’ routine with ukulele and music stand is both slapstick of the highest order and yet totally original in inception, and perfectly paced.

Best in show!

Alex Wheaton

***** five stars