A Shakespeare-infused musical about high school politics in a netball team? It might sound like an unlikely mash-up, but it works ridiculously well.
A single-minded pursuit of Year 12 captaincy of the netball team is the central thrust of this twist on Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, with Mac Beth willing to do anything to be appointed the head of the Dunsinane Hell-Hounds. Using malicious gossip, gaslighting and the occasional burst of physical violence, Orla-Jean Poole is an excellent Mac brushing aside Chloe Macduff, Mia Porter and her best friend Summer Banquo, but still Coach Duncan won’t give her the position.
Lady Macbeth Played Wing Defence is energetic, funny, bonding (even when three feet apart), with excellent music, choreography, and characters with which everyone can identify. West End sensation Six started out as a Fringe show; with some script-doctoring and polishing, this has the potential to be much larger than its canvas tent at Adelaide.